
Peacock Alley
blah blah blah

Zookeeper + elastic search with the zookeeper plugin that turns off Zen Discovery. Remember, zookeeper can keep track and manage SOLR instances, as well.

I love the idea of making an open source, boilerplate kind of spring app that has all the features I think are necessary/useful for an MVP, but actually doing it is tedious!

Some pomodoro notes - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_technique_software http://nodetimer.com/

I can get free access to ValueLine and Morningstar through the St. Louis County library. wow. http://www.slcl.org/research/databases-a-z/v, http://www.slcl.org/research/databases-a-z/m

Worthless trivia - Peacock Alley) and Club Riviera were the hot spots when my 70 year old friend was cavorting with the glitterati around St. Louis in the 1950's.

I would like to read this and implement it soon - http://centripetal.ca/blog/2011/02/07/getting-started-with-selenium-and-jenkins/.

There is a robot on another planet drilling holes into rocks right now. Humans effectively have a mine on another planet. Baby steps, of course.

The Antics Roadshow is a fun show that might have been created by Banksy.